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How do I Get Rid of the Loose Skin on My Stomach Caused by Pregnancy?

Pregnancy can be a wonderful time in a woman's life. The feeling of a smaller being moving around inside you, having heightened senses, and being able to eat anything you crave can be a great feeling. However, this can present a problem after pregnancy. Most woman gain more weight than expected and may have a hard time losing it. Although weight loss after pregnancy isn't easy, it can be accomplished with simple life changes and items that can help give a woman back her pre-baby figure.

Create a workout program that includes both cardio and abdominal exercises to help tighten stomach muscles and tone skin. Exercising 3 to 5 days a week for at least 15 minutes a day can provide steady results without overworking the body or straining muscles. Walking 30 minutes a day as a cardio workout can help tighten stomach muscles, while strengthening leg muscles, as well.

Change your diet to include more proteins, fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. These nutrient-rich foods will give the body the energy it needs during the day and avoid adding more unhealthy fats. Eating light, healthy snacks between meals can also keep the metabolism working well and keep bowel movements regular, eliminating unnecessary weight.

Wear a girdle or abdominal band during the day to tighten loose belly fat and abdominal skin after pregnancy. This method of constraining the stomach and tightening the skin is called belly binding, and is commonly used throughout the world. Belly binding works to help reshape the body and tighten stomach muscles. Wearing a girdle or abdominal band can also help burn calories around the belly when used during daily activities.

Apply skin-firming lotions or creams to the belly to help tighten and moisturize skin cells. Creams and lotions that contain cocoa butter, shea butter, elastin, and collagen can tone loose skin while healing dryness. Skin that is moisturized tends to tighten faster than does dehydrated skin, which can crack and lose elasticity.


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