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What Drugs Increase Sexual Desire?

It is no secret that drugs are available everywhere. Some are legal, some are not. Many drugs share a specific effect, which is increased sexual desire. While a heightened libido may seem like a fun effect from prescription or illegal drugs, the benefits do not outweigh the drawbacks. If you rely on drugs to increase your sexual desire, keep in mind that there are some better, healthier ways to do so.

Legal Drugs

    The pharmaceutical market is saturated with various prescription drugs that are meant to treat a plethora of problems. It is also not uncommon for people to sell such drugs on the street. Taking or abusing these substances can enhance libido. Specifically, sedatives, hypnotics and anti-anxiety medication all have an impact on sexual desire. According to AllPsych Online, sedatives produce calmness, hypnotics are used to aid sleep and anti-anxiety medications reduce feelings of tension and stress. Some well-known examples are valium, barbital and phenobarbital. Among their many side effects, drugs like these cause "disinhibition of sexual and aggressive impulses." In other words, users will be less able to control their libido. Inversely, drugs like valium may increase sexual desire, but prevent sexual performance by creating erectile dysfunction in men and orgasm difficulties for women.


    It is common knowledge that alcohol is often responsible for unexpected one-night stands or other activities. Alcohol includes things like beer, cocktails, hard liquor and wine. Although alcohol can cause sexual promiscuity, it does not directly increase libido. Instead, the drug produces an illusion of confidence. In turn, an individual's personal and sexual inhibitions are reduced, bringing out sexual desire that may not manifest itself under sobriety. Alcohol is also considered a depressant, meaning it slows down your nervous system. Ironically, this can negatively affect sexual performance, making sexual arousal difficult regardless of desire.

Illegal Drugs

    In addition to legal substances, there are many illegal drugs available. Anabolic steroids are used to unnaturally promote muscle growth and athletic performance, but they also cause an increase in sexual desire. "Party drugs" that increase libido include marijuana, amphetamines and cocaine. Their euphoric or energetic effects are often exploited in order to obtain sex. However, long-term use can have the opposite effect.

Natural Remedies

    Many people suffer from low sexual desire and they wish to change that safely, without illegal or prescription drugs. Unfortunately, low sexual desire is not a simple problem, so increasing it with any kind of substance must be done on a case-by-case basis. For example, some men suffer from low libido due to a lack of testosterone or dopamine. Both are natural chemicals that impact sexual desire. In this case, men can take oral supplements. Although testosterone is a male sex hormone, women can use it as well for the same reason. Testosterone alone is not very effective, so it is often taken in conjunction with estrogen, the female sex hormone.


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