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The Power of Protein

Protein is an essential element of a healthy diet. You may only think of meat when you think about protein, but this important nutrient actually comes in a number of different forms. Choosing a variety of protein-rich foods while still paying attention to your fat and cholesterol intake are the keys to healthy eating.

Why We Need Protein

Sure, protein tastes good, but why is it so good for the body? "It's an essential nutrient," says Anne Wolf, RD, registered dietitian and researcher at the University of Virginia School of Medicine. Protein serves as a critical building block for cells and tissues throughout our body. "We need it for every function in our body — for healing purposes and for building muscles," explains Wolf.

Make sure you give your body what it needs, but don't overload on protein or make it your primary food source. Remember that a healthy balance of foods is your best bet for a healthy diet. Wolf says most women only need about 50 grams of protein per day, while men may need 60 to 70 grams — that works out to between two and three servings. Athletes, seniors, and pregnant women need a little more than that. But most people, notes Wolf, eat more than 120 grams of protein a day — more than twice what we generally need!
The Lowdown on Meat

As much as the body needs protein, not all protein-rich foods are good for you. You have to evaluate sources of protein for unhealthy factors, like saturated fat (unhealthy fat) and cholesterol. The saturated fat content of many types of meat is so high, you can exceed your daily fat allowance with just a few bites.

Wolf points out that skinless chicken breasts are an extremely lean source of protein. Red meat is a great source of protein, but it also contains cholesterol and can be very high in saturated fat, so you have to be careful about which meat sources you choose.

"Find lean cuts of beef and pork," says Wolf. Ask a butcher for advice on the leanest cuts and avoid meats like steak that are marbled, since that white marbling is actually fat. Processed meats, including cold cuts and hot dogs, should also be avoided because they tend to contain excess salt and fat.
The Healthiest Sources of Protein

To work protein into your diet, opt for healthier, lower-fat options. Fortunately, there are many healthy sources of protein, including beans, nuts, fish, and low-fat dairy products (these will give you needed calcium, too).

What's considered the ultimate source of protein? "We commonly use the egg as the best source of protein," says Wolf. If people are concerned about fat and cholesterol, Wolf says, they can still get their protein by just eating the egg white — the fat and cholesterol is all in the yolk.

Other healthy sources of protein include:
1. Low-fat or fat-free milk, cheese, yogurt, and other dairy products
2. Whole grains including quinoa
3. Lentils, beans like kidney and black beans, and dried peas
4. Fish
5. Fermented soy products including tempeh and miso
6. Protein-fortified pastas
7. Protein meal replacement bars
8. Nuts and nut butters, like peanut butter

Protein-rich foods are an integral part of a healthy diet. Just be sure to go for choices that are low in cholesterol and saturated fat so that you’re giving your body protein without those unwanted “sides.”


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