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How To Lose Weight With The Japanese Morning Banana Diet!

When it comes to diets and weight loss, there are thousands of popular ways and diets that can be found on the internet. Some of them are called fad diets, as they lack in nutrients. There are even some diets that have obviously been written by people who are not experts in nutrition and dieting, and accordingly can cause weight gain rather than weight loss.
A good diet is nothing but a diet that works for you, your body and your health. You can recognize a good diet if it gives the expected results, but not causing feelings of exhaustion, stress or even weakness while you are on it. Feelings of hunger are quite all right, even though getting used to them takes time and patience.
If you have weight problems, or you just want to keep your weight the way it is, here is an excellent diet that has had justified popularity ever since 2008.

Where does it come from?

The morning banana diet, also known as Asa-Banana Diet, comes from a husband and his wife in Japan. Sumiko Watanabe is a pharmacist and preventive medicine expert in Osaka, and she created the diet for her husband Hitoshi Watanabe, who has studied traditional Chinese medicine and counseling at the Japan Care Academy. He lost 37 pounds in weight, by just applying the banana diet.
The diet was so popular, that during the period when it appeared, bananas become scarce in Japan for a short period, with retailers unable to meet the demand. You can try it yourself and see the immediate results. Here is what you should and should not eat during the banana diet.

Eat banana for breakfast

  • Drink a glass of water immediately after waking up, and make sure the water is at room temperature
  • Your breakfast is one banana. You can eat more than one, but do not overeat.
  • Eat only raw, uncooked, unfrozen bananas.
  • If you are still hungry, after 15 or 30 minutes, you can eat something else, preferably something that has 200 calories or less.

Lunch and dinner

  • Dinner must be eaten by 8 p.m. at the latest. 6 p.m. is better, but you can start with 8 p.m. and gradually shorten the time of your last meal.
  • There are no explicit limits on the type or the amount of food you can eat for lunch or dinner. Still, avoiding fried food and any kind of junk food in general contributes a lot to weight loss.
  • The only thing that is forbidden is having a dessert after your meals.
  • With all your meals, you should eat until you feel satisfied, but not full or stuffed. The Japanese call this 80% full. Try to recognize the feeling.

Drink only water

  • The only liquid allowed to drink is water, preferably mineral or filtered.
  • Water should be drunk in small sips and it must be at room temperature.

Afternoon snack

  • If you crave something sweet, you can have a cookie or a piece of chocolate until 3 p.m.
  • If you have a craving for something salty, you can have some popcorn, but watch out for excess fat.

Early to bed

  • Go to bed by midnight, or if you can manage to go to bed earlier, still better.
  • Try to have an at least four-hour period between your last meal and going to bed.

Exercise only if you want to

  • The goal is to do the things that putt the least stress on you. If you want to exercise, weather it is plain walking or doing a hard workout, go ahead. Just make sure you are stress free.
So, there you go. A diet which is extra effective and involves no food deprivations or fasting. Just be sure to advise your doctor before starting this, or any other diet.


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